AssetColumn Premium Membership

The #1 Real Estate Investment Platform

Under Market Value Deals
Lead Gen Landing Pages
Real Estate Website
Email Marketing System
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April 8th, 2025


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AssetColumn's official video

Emme's Explanatory Video

Assetcolumn's Features

All features are included on any of our memberships.


Chat With Buyers and Sellers

Instantly communicate with other investors.

You now have the ability to instantly communicate with other investors online. By having a diverse group of buyers and sellers to market, closing deals shouldn't require as much work as it used to.

A text and email notification will instantly inform you whenever you have a new message from a buyer or seller.


Deals Featured in Homepage and Property Search
+ Insignia Added

Own Real Estate Featured

A premium membership gives you access to the "Featured" section on both the homepage and property search page. With thousands of listings on AssetColumn,

this is a simple way to stand out and stand apart from the 90% of members who are using the free version of our platform. An insignia badge is also added to all your listings as a premium member.


Real Estate Website to
For All Your Deals

Multiple designs, customizable and unbranded

Wholesale Real Estate Websites

With several designs, you can choose from an unbranded layout or custom-design your website in no time. Wholesalers and investors work countless hours, and oftentimes have multiple listings they are trying to sell to potential buyers.

AssetColumn help real estate companies or individuals who don't have a website and need to build one. Showcase properties, your business name, and make a great impression on buyers. A mobile-friendly design and custom layouts also allow you to create the perfect site, for your buyer. Using our implemented coding, you can add your (.com) extension and your site is up and running in minutes. Buyers are able to see photos, property details, and easily contact you if they're interested in making an offer.

Real Estate Investor Landing Pages

Generate buyer and seller leads using our customizable landing pages.

Create your Real Estate Landing Pages

You can create landing pages, choosing from multiple unbranded and custom designs, to attract buyers or sellers onto your landing page. Customize your page adding email, text, lead forms, and images. Your landing page is the ,premier way to attract potential buyers or sellers (Depending on how you customize it) and fit your business goals and needs.

Landing pages are ready to go upon creating; and, with every lead we receive, we notify you via email or text so you can reply to those inquiries in a timely fashion.


Real Estate Email Marketing System

Ready-to-go templates for your real estate deals.
Within a click send it your @contacts.

With ready to go templates, you can send out multiple emails to @contacts, allowing you to elicit more attention on premier properties you are trying to sell. Email flyers are created instantaneously for all your properties and you can send them out to all contacts seamlessly. In a matter of minutes, your flyers are being sent out to your selected @contacts on your list.


Send Offers to All Real Estate Deals

In your negotiation center, an unlimited number of leads and offers from investors will pour in. Email and text notification also inform you immediately when cash offers or other buyer offers are being made. You receive a notification with buyer details, and you can choose to end negotiations or contact that interested party.

No limits are in place as to how many offers you will receive. Your ARV, Asking price and listing details will do the talking for you.

7-DAYS Priority on the just arrived deals.

Early Access to Real Estate Deals

As a premium member, you get access to exclusive deals 7-days before they are released to non-premium members. So you have the inside details and benefits to close the deals as soon as they're initially posted.


Access Sellers' Contact Information

Gain instant access tot he listing owner's information. If you don't want to wait on a specific property and want to make a deal, you can do so. Email, phone, and full names of the owners are provided to premium members.

Information Provided: Email, Phone & Full name

HOT DEALS Notifications on just arrived deals that match your criteria.

Notifications on New Deals That Match Your Criteria

Get immediate notifications to the properties which match your specific criteria, as they become available. You won't receive notifications for hundreds of properties, only those which are an exact match to the search "parameters" you entered in your "Hot Deals Setup".

Criteria Filters: (Max asking price, State Located and % Discounted)

Clients' Reviews

Take a look at how some of our premium members use their accounts to bring their business to the next level. Some of the members just opt for one tool while others blend in all the strategies for their success. Check them out.

James Smith (Cash Buyer)

Hot Deals + Newest Deals + Seller Information

Since i'm limited in the amount of time i have to search for deals, i rely on the (Hot Deals) "Just Posted" immediate notification feature on AssetColumn. My search criteria is: "Single Family Houses in Florida with Minimum 30% Discount". Weekly, I receive 5-10 Deals notifications. AssetColumn and this tool helped me to close 6-deals already! READ MORE

Claudia Swanes (Realtor)

Email Marketing + Landing Page

As an agent, i use the email marketing feature at least three times weekly. I create a landing page for the properties im working in and bring traffic through my email marketing flyers. I list important details in my landing page, and when visitors come onto, I receive an email and text notification. READ MORE

Eduardo Mualim (Wholesaler)

Negotiation Center + Properties

As a wholesaler, i work with multiple properties regularly. After using AssetColumn's platform, my team has posted over 100 deals, and we're seeing far greater returns.

The Real Estate Twins (Realtors)

Newest Deals + Email Marketing

As soon as our own network of buyers ask for new deals our place to go is we create an email template of the properties using the email marketing system and we send them the deals we think are the ones they might be interested. AssetColumn it's the place to go when my buyers ask for "Investment" properties.

Franz Corkran (Investor)

Landing Pages + Google Ads

We've being using AssetColumn to create our Landing Pages for already 1 year. They have multiple designs where i can customize almost everything, and covert the most with it. This landing pages i create are meant to generate motivated seller leads in California. I use google ads to bring traffic to my Landing Page and then contact my new leads and try to offer them cash for their distressed properties. Also i use, Hot Deals to get free & hot leads that just arrived in Assetcolumn. READ MORE

Charles Caba (Wholesaler)

Properties website + Email Marketing

As a member of over 1 year, i rely on the email marketing tools heavily. I can create a newsletter in a couple of minutes and deliver content to my interested buyers with the touch of a button. I never believed email marketing could be so easy. This feature has greatly improved my sales, returns, and has allowed me to easily reach the right buyers, rather than simply sending out promotional materials to disinterested parties.

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