Turn key Cigar lounge and bar 30k income

1808 S Young Cir, Hollywood, FL 33020

$167,000 After Repair Value -
$85,000 Asking Price -
$0 Cost of Repairs =
$82,000 Potential Profit

Property Details

Asking Price $85,000

After Repair Value $167,000

Costs of Repairs $0

Potential Profit $82,000

Living Area 1500 ft2

Property Type Commercial Property

Bedrooms 0

Bathrooms 1

Half Bathrooms N/A

Parking 1

Listed with Agent 0

EPI (Estimated Potential Income)

Potential Rental Income $2,200

Yearly Expenses N/A

Property Taxes N/A

Net Operating Income $132,000

Cap Rate N/A

Property Description

My personal hangout and local buisness. It is a covid sale. Seller is moving to brazil and wants a quick sale. Full financial report,inventory and system will come with purchase. Call for immediatel response. Retails at 168k


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