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3543 Needmore Rd, Dayton, OH 45414

$800 After Repair Value -
$674 Asking Price -
$0 Cost of Repairs =
$126 Potential Profit

Property Details

Asking Price $674

After Repair Value $800

Costs of Repairs $0

Potential Profit $126

Living Area N/A

Property Type Mobile Home

Bedrooms 0

Bathrooms 0

Half Bathrooms N/A

Parking 0

Listed with Agent 1

Property Description

We will move your mobile home to one of our empty lots for free. Must have title in your name, and photos inside and out of home. Pet Friendly communityWaived application fee on Community owned Homes- same day applicationsLot Rent includes cable and internetClose to shopping and interstateNear walking trailsWe have a few empty lots to choose fromCall for more details


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