Convenience Store/Fuel Station/Laundry Mat/RV Lots

34601 US70, Bennington, OK 74723

$285,000 After Repair Value -
$285,000 Asking Price -
$0 Cost of Repairs =
$0 Potential Profit

Property Details

Asking Price $285,000

After Repair Value $285,000

Costs of Repairs $0

Potential Profit $0

Living Area 2688 ft2

Property Type Unknown

Bedrooms 0

Bathrooms 1

Half Bathrooms N/A

Parking 0

Listed with Agent 1

Property Description

Convenience Store/Fuel Station/Laundry Mat/RV Lots for sale! This price includes equipment and inventory! Gas is on consignment which includes pump maintenance, the contract is up June of 2021. If you are interested in viewing the property listed, please contact Rhonda Hamill, Sales Associate for Heartbeat Realty located at 203 North Service Road in Calera OK.


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